Gift / discount for photo / review

  • Views: 51321

How to get a gift for a photo-opinion

Step one. Select one of the suggested gifts.

A gift can be one of the following (depending on availability):
  • Glass gift Bank;
  • Wooden USB flash drive bamboo;
  • Sports bottle RawMiD;
  • Accessories for your purchase (for example, sheets for small seeds to work, the silicone sheets for the dehydrator, etc.);
  • Discount on your next purchase of goods RawMID;
  • We will refund part of the amount on the mobile phone.
Step two. Make any photo, following two mandatory conditions: 
  • the image shall be visible to our equipment (face logo), it is desirable to work with.
  • the frame should be visible a bonus card (face logo RawMID);
  • it is desirable that the frame was also someone from human or animal (although this remains at Your discretion).

Step three. Send photos to our email:
In the subject line write "Gift photo". The letter must be:
  1. The name of the selected gift
  2. Review or comment on photo
  3. Order number or check number
  4. Postal address to send the gift (if the gift is not electronic)

USB flash drive for your review

To obtain a signature stick made of bamboo + recipe books you want to place reviews on 3 sites.
If You don't know what to write, but really want a gift, be sure to read the reviews from other customers to draw inspiration for your own opinion.
2 of the 3 reviews must be written by purchasing the product and posted the following resources (optional): 
* If You do not find the item in the list (see links below), you can always click "Add new product", enter the name of the product and post a review.


Review a volume of 600 characters. To do product photo and attach it to the message text (it is unacceptable to use other people's photos from the Internet).
Product reviews RawMID on
Review a volume of 600 characters. To do product photo and insert it into the text (it is unacceptable to use other people's photos from the Internet).
Product reviews RawMID on
Need an account Yandex (registration only takes a few minutes). 

Review a volume of 600 characters. For writing the review you must select the category where you placed Your item ---> In the list of products under the name click "Reviews" ---> Above the item picture, click on "Write a review". Adding new products this resource is not provided. A list of products available for writing reviews on Yandex Market

1 of 3 reviews is required to leave the service of the online store (at any of the sites):

Need a Yandex account (just takes a couple of minutes).

Reviews on Yandex Market

Feedback from any page in Your or Your friend (not matter).

Reviews on on the social. network Vkontakte

Need a Google account (just takes a couple of minutes). 

The reviews about the company on Google

To register, you need to login with Vkontakte or any other social network.
Reviews about Moscow shop on Yell   Reviews about main store (for customers from St. Petersburg and Regions)

ATTENTION! Reviews must be unique. To copy and post other people's reviews is prohibited. The results gift be made only after the provision of links to posted reviews.

Tools to help:

Counting the number of characters in the recall  
Check the spelling of your opinion

Participate in the promotion customers who purchased goods of RawMID. Gifts are given for the feedback with the evaluation not lower than 4 points (stars).




Language: ru en
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